Newsletter | March 2016


Springing forward reminds me how fast this year is moving. Did you know that the practice of daylight savings time came about in the early 1900’s to make better use of daylight by adding one hour of standard time to the day and therefore conserve energy? This reduces the need for artificial lighting during evening hours and positively affects our built environment.

Our appreciation goes out to Coronado Stone & Tile for their generosity in sponsoring our February Chapter meeting. It’s my understanding that many chapter members were present and the presentation was very informative.

Rene Melendez and I unfortunately missed the Chapter meeting due to our attendance at AIA Grassroots. Despite the 30 degree weather, snow, and 2 hour difference of Detroit to El Paso, we both agreed that having the event in such an interesting city was a good move from the usual Washington scene. Detroit is a city that has been faced with many challenges. Recently, architects were inspired by the rich history, they met meeting urban challenges and made positive changes that have transformed the City.

Although there was so much to this event, of particular interest were the keynote speakers that enlightened us with talks of what 21st century cities need from architects, how to design waterfront cities (something atypical for us!), how to invent and innovate, and how to work with communities to create positive change with our built environment.

During the event, we received a list of the 2016 Declared Candidates for National office. Many were present during the wrap-up session to state their viewpoints. A person for each position will be elected at the 2016 AIA National Convention, we will have the opportunity to vote at the Convention.

    2017-2018 Secretary

    Julia A. Donoho, Esq., AIA, LEED AP (AIA Redwood Empire)

    Burton L. Roslyn, FAIA Emeritus (AIA New York)

    Bruce W. Sekanick, AIA (AIA Eastern Ohio)

    2017-2019 At Large Directors (one will be elected)

    Peter J. Exley, FAIA (AIA Chicago)

    2017 First Vice President/ 2018 President-Elect

    Brian P. Dougherty, FAIA (AIA Orange County)

    Carl Elefante, FAIA (AIA Potomac Valley)

    Ellis L. “Lanny” McIntosh, AIA (AIA Eastern Oklahoma)

The AIA National Convention will be held in Philadelphia on May 19-21. Also mark your calendars for the TxA Convention which will be held in San Antonio on November 3-5.

I hope you make great use of your ‘extra hour’, conserve energy and continue to March forward. I Look forward to seeing you at the March Chapter meeting. Please continue to promote our profession by forwarding #ilookup to all your contacts and let them know that architects are creating a better world.

Best Regards,

Mary J Stills, AIA, CNU-A

2016 AIA El Paso Chapter President